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Lenovo ID Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Information about Lenovo ID Web App support

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Information about Lenovo ID Web App support

Provides information about using the Lenovo ID web application.
Lenovo ID Sign in


Why should I create a Lenovo ID, and where can I use it?

Lenovo ID provides you access to everything Lenovo with one user name and password. This includes Shop Lenovo (www.lenovo.com), interact with others in the Lenovo forums (forums.lenovo.com), log in to exclusive Lenovo apps, and more. To learn more, click: Lenovo ID: Access to everything Lenovo, across all Lenovo sites with one user name and password

Watch our video: How to create a Lenovo ID

How do I sign-up for a Lenovo ID?

• Watch our video: How to create a Lenovo ID. You can sign up at Lenovo ID or through any of the supported apps or web portals.

I just signed up for Lenovo ID but I can’t find the registration e-mail that should have been sent to me.

• Check your spam folder if you do not find the registration e-mail in your inbox immediately after signing up.

Can I use my favorite e-mail address to sign-up?

• Yes! We offer quick and easy sign-up or sign-in using your Google ID, Facebook ID, and Microsoft Live ID.

How do I set or reset my password?

• Go to passport.lenovo.com and click the Sign In tab.
• Click Reset Password.
• Enter your e-mail address and the Captcha characters and then click Continue.

How do I change the primary email account on my Lenovo ID?

See this link for details, Lenovo ID - How do I change the primary email account on my Lenovo ID?

How to log out of Lenovo ID?

• Click How to log out of Lenovo ID?

How do I unsubscribe from Marketing e-mails?

• Use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any e-mail from Lenovo to unsubscribe.

Where does my information go? Where is it stored? What is stored?

• This varies by app or web portal. Each will have its own privacy policy that provides this information in detail.

What if I can no longer use the e-mail address I originally used to register for Lenovo ID?

• Sign up for a new Lenovo ID using the new e-mail address.

Does Lenovo’s support forum have any information about Lenovo ID?


Where can I find additional information about Lenovo’s other apps?


Alias Id:SF15-D0034
Document ID:HT103348
Data publicării inițiale:05/26/2015
Data ultimei modificări:07/02/2024