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How To - Reset Your PC in Windows 10

How to Factory Reset Windows 10 PC | Format Your Windows 10 PC

How to Factory Reset Windows 10 PC | Format Your Windows 10 PC

Resetting a PC is the process of reinstalling Windows and returning the operating system to its original state. This process removes all installed applications, drivers, and settings changes that were made to the PC. Personal files such as photos and documents can also be removed, but choosing to keep them is also an option.

  1. To begin the reset process in Windows 10, open the Start Menu and then click the Settings button.
  2. Click on Update & Security, then select Recovery to advance to the next step.
  3. Choose Restart Now under the Advanced Startup heading to bring up a menu with several options.
  4. Select Troubleshoot from the menu, and then click Reset this PC.
  5. To keep personal files intact after resetting the PC, click the Keep my files button.
  6. If prompted, select the PC account name, type the password, and click the Continue button.
  7. Finally click the Reset button to begin reinstalling Windows.
  8. To remove applications, settings, and personal files after resetting the PC, click the Remove Everything button.
  9. There are two options for removing files.
  10. Just removing the files is the quicker option, but taking the extra time to thoroughly wipe the drive clean when resetting Windows is recommended for a PC that is going to be given away, recycled, or sold.
  11. After choosing the method for removing personal files, click the Reset button to begin reinstalling Windows.

ID Documento:VID100785
Data pubblicazione originale:10/19/2017
Data ultima modifica:02/17/2023