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How to find serial numbers - PC

How to find serial number or product name on Lenovo PCs from label or Windows commands?

How to find serial number or product name on Lenovo PCs from label or Windows commands?

Use the following methods to find the serial number or product name.
Detect my product
Click Detect Device for Lenovo PC's using Windows. Lenovo Service Bridge (LSB) is required and must be downloaded.
Detect Device
Using applications or commands
Learn how to use Lenovo Vantage or commands to find serial number or product information.

Learn More >

Using the printed label
Check for serial number or product information on the label.

Check Now >

To find other types of serial numbers, click phone, server, or smart products.

Asiakirjan tunnus:HT510152
Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä:03/23/2020
Viimeisin muokattu päivämäärä:03/11/2025
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