Lenovo Commercial Vantage file FWU.exe may be incorrectly identified to contain a virus

Steps and instructions to fix Lenovo Commercial Vantage file FWU.exe may be incorrectly identified to contain a virus

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Steps and instructions to fix Lenovo Commercial Vantage file FWU.exe may be incorrectly identified to contain a virus


The file FWU.exe, associated with the Lenovo Commercial Vantage application, may be incorrectly identified to contain a virus by virus scanning tools. This is a false positive. FWU.exe does not contain a virus.

System Is Configured With

Lenovo Commercial Vantage

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 11


No action is required


Αναγνωριστικό εγγράφου:HT513898
Ημερομηνία αρχικής δημοσίευσης:06/10/2022
Ημερομηνία τελευταίας τροποποίησης:08/29/2024