I'd like to monitor my system
This is a tool that that needs to run inside the Windows Operating System and can test the hardware from the machine.
but I want to run it at my leisure or when I want to.
This is a tool that that needs to run inside the Windows Operating System and can test the hardware from the machine.
but with Blue Screen error (BSOD)
This is a tool that can be booted directly from USB during system startup and can test the hardware from the machine.
but it's very slow
This is a tool that can be booted directly from USB during system startup and can test the hardware from the machine.
and my OS is Windows-based
This is a tool that can be booted directly from USB during system startup and can test the hardware from the machine.
and my OS is Unix-based
This is a tool that can be booted directly from USB during system startup and can test the hardware from the machine.