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How to find and download drivers or updates - Chromebook

Where to find and download drivers or updates for Chromebook

Where to find and download drivers or updates for Chromebook


Where to find drivers or downloads for a Chromebook.

Applicable Systems


Operating Systems

Chrome OS


Your Chromebook automatically checks for updates each time it turns on and connects to the internet. The Chromebook will download the updates in the background while still connected to the internet. This way, you always have the latest version of the operating system.

To learn more about automatic system updates, please visit Google's article: Update your Chromebook operating system

For more information, visit the Chrome OS Help Center.

For downloading or updating software on your Chromebook, navigate to the Google Play Store on the Chromebook.

Play Store

You can also check for updates under Settings, About Chrome OS, and Check for updates.

Check for updates

Asiakirjan tunnus:HT500258
Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä:05/12/2016
Viimeisin muokattu päivämäärä:11/08/2024